Comprehensive Storage Tank Roof Solutions


We proudly announce that as an exclusively appointed agent for the region of Malaysia, we are able to offer you solutions with proven and patented technology from World Bridge Industrial Co. Ltd. for the following:
  • Aluminum Geodesic Dome Roof (Cover)
  • Internal Floating Roof
  • Floating Roof Seal System
  • Roof Drain / Floating Suction / Oil Skimmer system
  • Other Accessories & Associated Facilities
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From concept design to installation, we are extremely confident that we will meet your requirements, providing customization according to your application specifications and service conditions.

World Bridge Covers the World

World Bridge Industrial Co. Ltd.’s (WB) mission statement is  “WORLD BRIDGE COVERS THE WORLD”, with partners and agents around the globe providing sales, delivery, installation and technical support. With nearly 900 dome roofs supplied worldwide WB has become one of the leading companies for storage tank covering solutions after completing more than 2,200 projects. With its industry-leading manufacturing facilities, WB has the capacity to supply up to 24 nos. of 110-metre inner diameter Aluminum Dome Roofs (ADR), 50 nos. of 50-metre inner diameter Internal Floating Roofs (IFR), 180 nos. of 50-metre inner diameter External Floating Roof Seals (EFRS), and 480 lines of 8-inch Roof Drain System pipes in a calendar year. Some of WB's achievements include the supply of ADRs for 12 nos. of 110m and 4 nos. of 120m water tanks  for National Water Company (NWC) in Saudi Arabia (world record), and also the supply of ADRs for pressurized storage tanks in Kazakhstan for CB&I, a world-leading designer and builder of storage facilities, tanks and terminals.
WB_World Network
World Bridge has a global presence in 33 countries 

Our reputable principal, World Bridge Industrial Co. Ltd. (WB), has been providing clients around the world

with reliable products, designed with accurate structural analysis and manufactured

using strict quality management systems, for the storage tank industry including Oil

& Gas, Water Treatment systems, Food, Construction and more.


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WB Engineering
Proprietary Solutions for your Storage Tank

World Bridge Industrial Co. Ltd.’s (WB) vast experience and technical knowledge are

proven and demonstrated through its accomplishments in successfully providing

solution to Clients throughout its years of operation. WB is extremely passionate

and dedicated towards developing new leading-edge advancements and its goal of

becoming the best in the industry, with its proprietary technology and patents. 

Geodesic Aluminum Dome Roof
Geodesic Aluminum Dome Roof
Lightweight and economical, World Bridge Industrial Co. Ltd.'s fully safe and standard-compliant Geodesic ADRs are manufactured to completely prevent rainwater and debris infiltration and minimises the evaporation of the product. In addition, these ADRs do not require welding and are maintenance free. WB also possesses advanced sealing technology for ADRs used for pressurized tanks.

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  • WB's Geodesic ADR Design Features:
  • Patented flush batten-type strut design for water and air-tight seal
  • Compatible with all petroleum products
  • Easy installation
  • Lightweight and rust-free
  • Eliminates emissions
Internal Floating Roof

World Bridge Industrial Co. Ltd. also designs and manufactures advanced Internal Floating Roofs with an array of options for seals, incorporating 20 years of technical expertise and adapting a variety of materials for product compatibility and quality solutions.

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  • WB's IFR Design Features:
  • Conforms to API650 Appendix H standard
  • Vapour-loss prevention design
  • Chemical resistant
  • Long service life expectancy
  • Easy installation
External Floating Roof Seal & Drain System
External Floating Roof Seal and Drain System

World Bridge Industrial Co. Ltd. specialises in external floating roof tank seals and drain systems as well. To satisfy Client’s needs, we are able to advise and provide various types of roof seal for best sealing efficiency and durability. Also, we offer a world patented 3+1 type, auto–aligning flexible joint drain system.

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